Rabu, 28 September 2016

What movie best describe your life

         In this fourth article for my writing task I will tell you about the movie that best describing my life, I have watch a lot movies but this time I will tell you what movies that describing my life the movie is the international 2010,this movie describing my life as a gamer the movie was about the biggest game competition in the world the game that being played is dota 2,dota 2 is a rts or real time strategy genre game that have been played worldwide by gamers all over the world,the movie tell the story behind the success of all the pro gamers that join the competition as a team that representating their country like LGD from CHINA,NA’VI from UKRAINE,and EG from USA some of the most famous pro player are dendi from NA’VI that has played dota since the early year the game was made and then other one same like dendi is fear from EG fear also has played the game since the early years the game was made they has made a lot of money from playing the game by join the international competition like the international 2010 so they are called as the pro player among the dota player they called pro because of their experience,skill and their earning from the game this movie describing me because it just like me played dota 2 to be a pro player like dendi or fear it is my dream to be a pro player, thank you for reading my article this time and see you in the next article.    

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